Hi, I’m Clarke Scott. A writer, thinker, contemplative, and former Buddhist monk from Australia.
I write about philosophy, literature, and culture, and how these map to a human experience.
The thrust of my work is to distill ancient wisdom for modern times, and modern people so we may all live better.
I do this through essays, and literary nonfiction, to sculpt words through a lived experience.
Between 1995 – 2009 I studied Buddhist philosophy, psychology, epistemology, and advanced meditation techniques directly from HHDL and several Tibetan lamas.
In 2009 I left the monastery and moved to Tasmania, Australia to join a Ph.D., program where I researched notions of the self in Eastern and Western philosophy and parsed these via six Western philosophers that included—Rene Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Derek Parfit, E.J Lowe, and Galen Strawson.
During that time I studied widely in the areas of philosophy of mind, metaphysics, ontology, phenomenology, free will, and personal identity.
Since then I’ve gone on to study Christian theology, Jungian analytic psychology, and philosophical anthropology.
I am currently writing my first book and have a newsletter called, Notes on a Contemplative Life where I share my research and personal experience living as a contemplative in the modern world.